Director of the National Energy Administration: What are the development trends, directions and key models of new energy during the "14th Five-Year Plan"?

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Director of the National Energy Administration: What are the development trends, directions and key models of new energy during the "14th Five-Year Plan"?

Since the second quarter of 2022, China Electric Power News has interviewed the directors of various departments of the National Energy Administration, including the New Energy and Renewable Energy Department, Electric Power Department, Planning Department, and Electric Power Safety Supervision Department, on various aspects of my country's energy reform and development and power planning. , Department of Legal and System Reform, Department of Market Supervision, etc., the directors of each department gave their unique insights on new energy and renewable energy to varying degrees.

1. Li Chuangjun, Director of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration

Carbon peak carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee. It is necessary to accelerate the implementation of renewable energy substitution actions and promote renewable energy to accelerate into a new stage of high-quality leapfrog development. On the one hand, we must vigorously promote the development of renewable energy bases. In areas with good wind and solar resource endowments and excellent construction conditions, actively promote the centralized development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base projects focusing on desert Gobi desert areas. On the basis of steadily organizing and implementing the first batch of projects, we will conscientiously do a good job in organizing the second batch of projects. At the same time, actively promote the development of wind power and photovoltaic bases in other regions of the "Three Norths", the development of integrated water and wind power bases in the southwest region, and the cluster development of offshore wind power.

For large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases, research shows that the proportion of technology that can be developed accounts for more than 60% of the country's total. The construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases in desert Gobi desert areas can give full play to the advantages of rich wind and solar energy resources and good construction conditions in these areas. It is an important measure to strengthen the national energy security barrier and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

In the first quarter of 2022, the first batch of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base projects of about 100 million kilowatts has started construction of about 84 million kilowatts. In the future, we will focus on the Kubuqi, Ulan Buhe, Tengger, and Badain Jaran deserts, supplemented by other deserts and Gobi areas, and comprehensively consider coal mining subsidence areas to accelerate the promotion of large-scale wind power with a total scale of about 450 million kilowatts. The planning and layout plan of the photovoltaic base was implemented. Combined with the overall layout of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases focusing on the Gobi desert, and in accordance with the principle of "opening up as much as possible, and opening up as much as possible", we will conscientiously do a good job in the organization and implementation of the second batch of large-scale wind power photovoltaic base projects.

In addition, the construction of renewable energy bases in the "14th Five-Year" renewable energy development plan will be fully launched, and efforts will be made to promote the construction of new energy bases in Xinjiang, the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the Hexi Corridor, the few bends of the Yellow River, northern Hebei, Songliao, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. For the construction of energy bases, organize relevant provinces (regions) to formulate base planning schemes, further optimize project layout and construction timing; promote the development and construction of two major water-window comprehensive bases in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, and southeast Tibet, and study and compile the planning of water-window integrated bases; promote Offshore large-scale development of offshore wind power in the eastern coastal areas and demonstration development in deep and open seas, focusing on the construction of five large offshore wind power base clusters in the Shandong Peninsula, the Yangtze River Delta, southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong, and the Beibu Gulf.

On the other hand, we must continue to promote the development of distributed new energy. Actively promote the local and nearby development and utilization of new energy, accelerate the construction of distributed wind power and distributed photovoltaics in load centers and surrounding areas, promote the deep integration of renewable energy development and ecological civilization construction, new urbanization, new infrastructure, and new technologies, and continue to expand New fields and new scenarios for the development of renewable energy. Promote the implementation of the "Thousands of Villages and Villages Harnessing the Wind Action" and "Thousands of Households and Lighting Actions", orderly promote the pilot work of distributed photovoltaic development on the entire county's rooftops, further strengthen information monitoring and disclosure, and form a good upper-lower linkage mechanism.

Talking about the green and low-carbon transformation of energy in rural areas, Li Chuangjun pointed out that rural renewable energy is becoming an important carrier of rural revitalization. Rural renewable energy, represented by wind energy, solar energy, and biomass energy, can not only guarantee the supply of clean energy in rural areas, promote green development, improve production and living conditions, and help build ecologically livable and beautiful villages, but is also becoming an important tool for strengthening the collective economy of villages. It is an effective way to broaden farmers' income-increasing channels, build ecologically livable and beautiful villages, and help rural revitalization.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality will be anchored, and the development of rural renewable energy will be vigorously promoted. Focus on the use of open spaces in courtyards and fields to promote the distributed development of wind power and photovoltaics, and implement the "Wind Control Action for Thousands of Villages and Villages" and "Lighting Action for Thousands of Households".

2. He Yang, Director of the Electric Power Department of the National Energy Administration

In order to further improve the ability to guarantee power supply, the Electric Power Department will further strengthen the ability to guarantee power supply under the new situation in 2022. Accelerate the construction of various supporting and guaranteed power sources in the local area, and actively promote the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases in deserts, Gobi deserts, deserts, etc. , to jointly support the electricity demand of the load center. Strengthen the operation and maintenance of coal-fired power units and ensure the supply of electricity and coal to ensure stable and full power generation during peak load periods. Encourage the construction of energy storage facilities according to local and grid conditions to cope with peak load demand. Further strengthen and refine the demand-side response to electricity consumption, promote and accelerate the formation of a long-term mechanism to ensure the healthy development of the power system, and fully guarantee the demand for electricity for the healthy and stable development of the economy and society.

In addition, give full play to the optimal allocation of large power grid resources. Accelerate the preparatory work of trans-provincial transmission channels, combine the planning and development of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases in deserts, Gobi, and desert areas, and coordinate and promote the work related to trans-provincial and trans-regional transmission channels. Implement the scheduling and coordination mechanism for inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission projects, and coordinate and solve problems and difficulties encountered in the preliminary work of power transmission channels in a timely manner. During the peak hours of electricity consumption, we will further optimize power dispatch and increase inter-provincial and inter-regional temporary support.

In order to further leverage the large-scale resource allocation advantages of my country's large power grids and strengthen the overall coordination of cross-province and cross-regional power operations, it is necessary to improve the utilization efficiency of stock channels and the proportion of renewable energy transmission. Strengthen the construction of supporting projects for power grids at the sending and receiving ends of key stock transmission channels, promote the commissioning of supporting power sources, optimize the structure of supporting power sources, and focus on improving the utilization efficiency of stock transmission channels and the proportion of new energy power. The third is to coordinate the layout of new inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission channels. Scientifically study and judge the electricity consumption trend of the load center, combine the development and consumption needs of large-scale wind power bases, and follow the multi-energy complementary development model of wind, water, heat and storage, scientifically plan and lay out cross-provincial and cross-regional power transmission channels, and optimize and improve the prevention and control of air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Yangtze River Delta Power receiving scale outside key areas. In accordance with the principle of "three synchronizations" (synchronous planning, simultaneous construction, and simultaneous production), promote the coordinated development of power grids.

Under the guidance of the "dual carbon" goal, it is necessary to rely on large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases such as deserts, Gobi, and deserts, give priority to adopting capacity expansion and upgrading methods, and promote the optimal combination of coal and new energy. Gradually and orderly eliminate outdated units, continue to promote the high-quality development of the coal power industry, and promote sufficient power supply. In addition, we must continue to promote the optimization and adjustment of power supply structure and performance, help the development and utilization of renewable energy, and serve green and clean energy with an increasing proportion. Actively optimize the characteristics of new energy grid connection, and increase the system support and adjustment capabilities of new energy. Accelerate the construction of a strong and smart grid, continuously optimize and improve the backbone grid, strengthen the support and guarantee capabilities of the distribution network, promote the construction of a strong local grid, and comprehensively improve the safe and reliable operation of the grid.

3. Li Fulong, director of the Planning Department of the National Energy Administration

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the National Energy Administration has formulated and issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for Modern Energy System", "14th Five-Year Plan for Electric Power Development", "14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development" "14th Five-Year Plan for Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Energy Field" and other 6 sub-sector plans and "Implementation Plan for Promoting Energy Green and Low-Carbon Transformation and Doing a Good Job of Carbon Peaking" "Opinions on Improving the System, Mechanism and Policy Measures of Energy Green and Low-Carbon Transformation" " and other two comprehensive documents.

As far as the "14th Five-Year Plan" energy plan is concerned, the eight words "clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient" are the core connotation of the modern energy system, and are also the overall requirements for how to realize the modernization of the energy system. The "14th Five-Year Plan" is a critical period and a window period for carbon peaking. Green and low-carbon energy development is the key. Form a green and low-carbon energy consumption pattern, and continue to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, energy consumption will continue to grow rigidly. On the one hand, the peak-to-valley difference in energy consumption will continue to increase. On the other hand, the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy system under the dual carbon targets will accelerate, and the difficulty of ensuring energy supply will further increase. We will adhere to the principle of "based on the domestic market, make up for shortcomings, provide multiple guarantees, and strengthen reserves", strengthen the construction of independent energy supply capabilities, and ensure that energy supply and demand are generally stable and orderly.

4. Tong Guangyi, Director of the Electric Power Safety Supervision Department of the National Energy Administration

To build a new type of power system, we must focus on coordinating the relationship between three aspects: first, we must coordinate development and security. It is necessary to ensure the safe supply of electricity, the safe operation of the power grid, and the safe consumption of new energy. The second is to balance speed and quality. It is necessary to take into account the high-quality development of different energy categories, as well as the high-quality development of source, network, load and storage. The third is to balance production and consumption. It is necessary to grasp the changes in the balance of supply and demand and consolidate the foundation of energy transformation; grasp the changes in the relationship between sources and loads to improve the efficiency of resource utilization; grasp the changes in energy flow to improve the accuracy of power forecasting.

The construction of a new power system must adhere to the two principles of goal orientation and problem orientation, and promote the realization of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, which is the primary goal of the new power system construction; meeting the energy needs of the people for a better life is the fundamental driving force for the construction of the new power system ; Ensuring the safety of the large power grid is an inherent requirement for building a new power system.

On the basis of adhering to the above two important principles, the development path of building a new power system should follow the following steps: First, with the goal of ensuring supply security, the contradiction between short-term power supply and demand can be resolved by fully mobilizing load-side resources to participate in regulation. Secondly, with the goal of ensuring the safe consumption of new energy, through the construction of a hierarchical energy storage system, the problem of insufficient peak-shaving capacity in the medium and long-term is solved. Finally, with the goal of promoting high-quality development in the energy field, the safe operation level of the new power system will be greatly improved by creating an energy panoramic perception system.

5. Dai Junliang, director of the Market Supervision Department of the National Energy Administration

The primary political task of energy supervision in 2022 is to ensure the implementation of major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council in the energy field; the second is to focus on optimizing the electricity business environment and solving the "urgent, difficult and anxious" problems in energy consumption by the masses; in addition, Efforts should be made to promote the effective play and organic combination of the effective market and the effective government functions, promote the construction of the power market system, and accelerate the formation of a unified and open power market system with orderly competition, safety and efficiency, and sound governance. Efforts should be made to standardize the order of the electricity market, correct improper market intervention, restrict market competition, etc., strengthen the fairness and openness of power grids and oil and gas pipeline networks, and promote the establishment of a fair and open pipeline transportation service market.

In terms of power market-oriented reform, we will further promote the construction of the power market system, follow the laws of power market operation and market economy, and strictly implement the "Basic Rules for Mid- and Long-Term Electric Power Transactions", "Regulations on the Management of Power Grid-connected Operations" and "Administrative Measures for Power Auxiliary Services". Steadily promote the construction of national and provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) power markets, actively support the participation of new energy in market transactions, promote the trial operation of the southern regional power market, study and formulate regional power market construction plans for the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other regions, and guide all levels of power Coordinated operation and integrated development of the market.

In terms of deepening the construction of the power market mechanism, improve the connection mechanism between the medium and long-term power market, the spot market and the auxiliary service market, and expand the scale of market-oriented transactions. Accelerate the revision of the implementation rules for medium and long-term electricity transactions in various regions, standardize the transaction organization, enrich the transaction varieties, and promote all industrial and commercial users to enter the market. Standardize and enrich the types of ancillary service transactions such as frequency modulation, backup, climbing, and moment of inertia, and establish a sharing mechanism for ancillary services that users participate in. Promote the construction of regional auxiliary service markets, and start the trial operation of the southern regional backup market and the Sichuan-Chongqing integrated peak-shaving market.

In terms of strengthening the supervision of power market order, strengthen the supervision of power dispatch transactions and market order, standardize the self-discipline behavior of market members, and guide market operators to establish and improve power market operation monitoring and risk prevention and control mechanisms. Strengthen the supervision of information disclosure behavior and promote information disclosure and transparency. Implement the "Measures for the Supervision of Fair and Open Power Grids", and strengthen the supervision of power supply access to power grids and interconnection between power grids. Strengthen the supervision of electricity market transactions and the implementation of electricity price policies, promptly correct special transactions for the purpose of price reduction, set unreasonable access thresholds, improperly intervene in the market, and restrict market competition, etc., and regulate power grid enterprises' agency power purchases.

6. Zhu Ming, Director-General of the Legal and System Reform Department of the National Energy Administration

2022 is a critical year for accelerating the establishment of the "1 N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Key policies must be implemented in the critical year. The Department of Legal Reform will conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the National Energy Work Conference and the Party Group of the Energy Bureau. Focusing on the goals and tasks of energy security and energy supply and energy green and low-carbon transformation, comprehensively promote the construction of the rule of law in energy, and actively Promote energy legislation and effectively improve the ability to administer according to the law; further promote the reform of the energy system, and focus on promoting the decisive role of the market in allocating resources; further promote the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service" to accelerate the transformation and optimization of government functions; do a good job in policy research on major issues, Effectively serve scientific decision-making; make every effort to provide legal and institutional guarantees for building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

Focus on improving the coordinated promotion mechanism for energy strategy and planning implementation at the national and provincial level, as well as among various departments at the national level. All provincial energy plans should clarify the goals and tasks of energy green and low-carbon transformation, and the state should establish a monitoring, evaluation and assessment mechanism for energy green and low-carbon transformation. Coordinate energy transition and security. Adhere to building before breaking, and orderly promote energy green and low-carbon transformation under the premise of ensuring energy security. Do a good job in optimizing the combination of fossil energy and new energy, and promote the construction of an energy supply system with clean and low-carbon energy as the mainstay.

Adhere to the simultaneous efforts of the production side and the consumption side, and the linkage between upstream and downstream to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. On the consumption side, insist on giving priority to saving, improve the energy consumption and carbon emission management system, and establish a green energy consumption promotion mechanism; Low-carbon energy resources, and actively build a new energy system with clean and low-carbon energy as the main body.

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