The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s important new energy document: by 2025, carbon emission intensity will continue to decline, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value will be reduced by 18% (multiple integration)

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Home / News / Industry News / The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s important new energy document: by 2025, carbon emission intensity will continue to decline, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value will be reduced by 18% (multiple integration)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s important new energy document: by 2025, carbon emission intensity will continue to decline, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value will be reduced by 18% (multiple integration)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "14th Five-Year" Industrial Green Development Plan, proposing that by 2025, the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure and production methods will achieve remarkable results, green and low-carbon technology and equipment will be widely used, energy resource utilization efficiency will be greatly improved, and green manufacturing The level has been improved in an all-round way, laying a solid foundation for the carbon peak in the industrial field in 2030. Carbon emission intensity continued to decline. The carbon dioxide emission per unit of industrial added value was reduced by 18%, and the total carbon emission control of key industries such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, and building materials achieved phased results. The emission intensity of pollutants has dropped significantly. The ability to control the source of harmful substances has been continuously strengthened, the level of clean production has been significantly improved, and the emission intensity of major pollutants in key industries has been reduced by 10%.

Huang Libin, director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the plan is based on the overall work arrangement of "focusing on one action, building two major systems, promoting six transformations, and implementing eight major projects". Low-carbon technology system, green manufacturing support system, promote industrial transformation to high-end industrial structure, low-carbon energy consumption, circular resource utilization, clean production process, green product supply, digital production methods, etc., put forward specific measures and support Implement 8 major projects.

The plan proposes that by 2025, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value will be reduced by 18%, the emission intensity of major pollutants in key industries will be reduced by 10%, and energy consumption per unit of added value in industrial enterprises above designated size will be reduced by 13.5%. It is proposed that the green manufacturing system in key industries and key regions will be basically established, and the output value of the green environmental protection industry will reach 11 trillion yuan.

The plan is clear, the top-level design of carbon peak in the industrial field is strengthened, and the implementation path of industrial carbon reduction is clarified.

Huang Libin said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, in terms of industrial structure, build an industrial layout that is conducive to carbon emission reduction, and resolutely curb the blind development of high-energy-consuming and high-emission projects. In terms of energy saving and carbon reduction, efforts were made to improve energy utilization efficiency. In terms of green manufacturing, typical demonstrations will drive the green transformation of production models and promote the low-carbon development of the entire industrial chain. In terms of circular economy, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste. In terms of technological change, speed up the transformation of green and low-carbon technology. Implement technological and equipment transformations such as fine desulfurization of coke oven gas, high-proportion pellet smelting, coking negative pressure distillation, and optimization of the entire coking process. By 2025, complete the transformation of 530 million tons of steel production capacity for ultra-low emissions, and the transformation of 460 million tons of coking production capacity for clean production. Implement high-efficiency dissolution and red mud reduction technologies in the alumina industry, short-process smelting and continuous smelting in the copper smelting industry, efficient and clean electrolysis and oxygen pressure leaching in the zinc smelting industry, and vertical reduction magnesium smelting in the magnesium smelting industry and other technological and equipment transformations. By 2025, complete the clean production transformation of about 4,000 non-ferrous metal kilns.

In this plan, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also mentioned several key points of the new energy industry:

Hydrogen energy:

Accelerate hydrogen energy technology innovation and infrastructure construction, and promote the multiple utilization of hydrogen energy.

Carry out demonstrations of major carbon reduction projects. Give full play to the demonstration and leading role of central enterprises and large enterprise groups, and implement a number of carbon reduction projects with outstanding carbon reduction effects and strong driving force in the fields of major carbon emission industries, green hydrogen energy and renewable energy applications, new energy storage, carbon capture, utilization and storage, etc. major projects. Promote the innovation of low-carbon technology, implement carbon-reducing upgrading and transformation, support the industrialization demonstration application of breakthrough low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative key technologies, and form a group of technologies and experiences that can be replicated and promoted.

Increase the proportion of clean energy consumption. Encourage the application of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen energy, biofuels, and waste-derived fuels in steel, cement, and chemical industries. Strictly control coal consumption in major coal-consuming industries such as iron and steel, coal chemical industry, and cement, and encourage new construction, renovation and expansion projects in areas where conditions permit to use less coal instead.


Strengthen the strategic emerging industries of green environmental protection. Focus on creating a new engine for industrial development with low energy resource consumption, low environmental pollution, high added value, and strong market demand, and accelerate the development of strategies such as new energy, new materials, new energy vehicles, green smart ships, green environmental protection, high-end equipment, and energy electronics Sexual emerging industries will drive the green and low-carbon development of the entire economy and society. Promote the integration, clustering and ecological development of strategic emerging industries in the field of green manufacturing, make a group of leading and backbone enterprises bigger and stronger, and cultivate a group of specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises and individual champion enterprises in manufacturing

Make overall arrangements for the comprehensive utilization of emerging solid waste such as decommissioned photovoltaics, wind power generation devices, and marine engineering equipment. Actively promote remanufactured products and vigorously develop high-end intelligent remanufacturing.

Create a green consumption scene and expand the consumption of new energy vehicles, photovoltaic solar thermal products, green consumer electrical and electronic products, and green building materials.

New energy equipment. Develop new energy equipment such as large-scale high-efficiency photovoltaic modules, high-power offshore wind power equipment, hydrogen-fueled gas turbines, ultra-high pressure hydrogen compressors, high-efficiency hydrogen fuel cells, and integrated commercial small reactors. Promote smart photovoltaic innovation and upgrades and industry-specific applications.

Carry out basic research on smart photovoltaics, perovskite solar cells, green hydrogen development and utilization, carbon monoxide fermentation to alcohol, carbon dioxide negative emission technology, and new pollutant treatment technologies and equipment such as ozone pollution, persistent organic pollutants, microplastics, and free pollutants, Steadily promote technology integration innovations such as reunion and microwave dust removal

Energy storage:

energy saving technology. Promote integrated endless rolling of casting and rolling, utilization of medium and low temperature waste heat, clean and efficient coal-water slurry gasification, high calorific value solid waste fuel replacement, micro-grid energy storage, indirect condensation and evaporation (data center), special carbon electrode replacement electrode for ferroalloy smelting Paste and other technologies are popularized and applied.

Concentrate advantageous resources to carry out carbon reduction, zero-carbon and negative-carbon technology, carbon capture utilization and storage technology, zero-carbon industrial process reengineering technology, complex and difficult-to-use solid waste harmless utilization technology, new energy-saving and new energy material technology, and high-efficiency energy storage materials Technology and other key core technologies have been tackled, and a number of original scientific and technological achievements have been formed.

Give full play to the demonstration and leading role of central enterprises and large enterprise groups, and implement a batch of projects with outstanding carbon reduction effects and strong driving force in the fields of major carbon emission industries, green hydrogen energy and renewable energy applications, new energy storage, carbon capture, utilization and storage, etc. major projects. Promote the innovation of low-carbon technology, implement carbon-reducing upgrading and transformation, support the industrialization demonstration application of breakthrough low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative key technologies, and form a group of technologies and experiences that can be replicated and promoted.

Improve the electrification level of industrial end-use energy, and accelerate the promotion and application of electric kilns, electric boilers, and electric power equipment in qualified industries and regions. Encourage factories and parks to carry out the construction of industrial green and low-carbon micro-grids, develop rooftop photovoltaics, distributed wind power, multi-energy storage, high-efficiency heat pumps, etc., and promote the efficient and complementary utilization of multiple energies.

Concentrate advantageous resources to carry out carbon reduction, zero-carbon and negative-carbon technology, carbon capture utilization and storage technology, zero-carbon industrial process reengineering technology, complex and difficult-to-use solid waste harmless utilization technology, new energy-saving and new energy material technology, and high-efficiency energy storage materials Technology and other key core technologies have been tackled, and a number of original scientific and technological achievements have been formed.

wind power:

Improve the electrification level of industrial end-use energy, and accelerate the promotion and application of electric kilns, electric boilers, and electric power equipment in qualified industries and regions. Encourage factories and parks to carry out the construction of industrial green and low-carbon micro-grids, develop rooftop photovoltaics, distributed wind power, multi-energy storage, high-efficiency heat pumps, etc., and promote the efficient and complementary utilization of multiple energies.

Accelerate the innovation and application of energy-saving technology and equipment in key energy-consuming industries, and continue to promote the optimization of energy systems in typical process industries. Promote the energy-saving transformation of key energy-consuming equipment systems such as industrial kilns, boilers, motors, pumps, fans, and compressors.

Encourage the construction of industrial parks for the high-value utilization of renewable resources, and promote the agglomeration of enterprises, the recycling of resources, and the development of high-end industries. Make overall arrangements for the comprehensive utilization of emerging solid waste such as decommissioned photovoltaics, wind power generation devices, and marine engineering equipment. Actively promote remanufactured products and vigorously develop high-end intelligent remanufacturing.

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